Grand Final

As we know, we are hosting this year’s Grand Final on October 11, make sure you lock in the date as the lads are on top of the ladder and if they keep up the hard work they are a great chance to be playing!
Huge thanks to Glen Mitchelmore and Michael Fernie for their work on the oval recently to make sure it is looking great for the Grand Final!  Glenno secured some artificial grass to better cover the cricket pitch and Fernie brought his tractor up to help lay it down.  Let me tell you, without that tractor we couldn’t have managed it!!!
With the GF a month away, Glenno rang Fernie and suggested the oval could do with some greening up so without hesitation Fernie donated a heap of fertiliser and Glenno drove Fernie’s tractor to the oval to spread it out.  Perfect timing as it poured down that night and I reckon that the oval will have never looked better come Grand Final day!!